Elevation Training- peace

If you are here then

You are ready for

Peaceful Elevation Training

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Elevation Training - Health

Are You A…

Go-Getter or…

Our participants would mostly describe themselves as Owners, Developers, Operators, Leaders and Entrepreneurs, that want to Change the World and leave the lasting positive legacy. If that sounds like you, then You Are Home!


Our Definition: To enhance and transform your life by reaching new heights, embracing growth, and achieving personal and professional goals.


Our Definition: A sacred force when applied aligns the power of universal intelligence toward your Life’s Purpose


Our Definition: to systematically measure the quality, value, or significance of something through introspective analysis and critical examination.

live in Power

If you are ready to Elevate your life, then this is for you…

There are four main sections to this Elevation Training, they are broken into Triads.

There are specifically engineered systems that have been proven to be effective, even in the most challenging circumstances.

This curriculum is NOT for everybody, it will test you, however on the other side, you might discover something that you have been searching for all this time.

This is an Exclusive High-Level Training

ALL Participants Are Hand Picked


Triad #1 Prioritize holistic well-being. Cultivate physical and mental health, build financial stability, and nurture inner peace. This balanced approach empowers a fulfilling life, where health, prosperity, and serenity coexist harmoniously.


Triad #2 Focus on flexibility, strength, and joy. Stretch your limits, train your body and mind for resilience, and incorporate play to foster creativity and balance. This approach promotes a dynamic, well-rounded lifestyle.


Triad #3 Harmonize your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. This holistic approach guides you to nurture your mind, strengthen your body, and connect deeply with your soul for balanced, fulfilling living.


Triad #4 Assess your current state with clarity, elevate your mindset and actions for growth, and center yourself through mindfulness and inner peace.


It is attainable, yes at the same time 


Health is Crucial to ANYone being able to to live a complete and elevated life.
Elevation Training - Health

Without being able to move, breathe, or think properly, it is almost impossible to accomplish anything worthwhile: Those that have ever been in chronic physical pain can attest to this. 

However, anyone that has experienced even temporary discomfort, can relate. They understand that without great health everything else becomes secondary.

This system was developed by Rus Nikita has over 20 years experience in training people to connect and elevate their lives. 

While having over 26 surgeries, Rus has developed unique techniques to conquer physical pain.

He has taught thousands of his participants how to minimize the effects of it and overcome severe chronic pain.

Put simply, to incorporate the daily Elevation Practices into your routine so they become more than temporary rituals, the training then becomes part of your life.

If you are someone that wants to bridge the gap between the Mind, Body and Soul the Elevation Training is designed especially for you.


There is a direct correlation between level of resources available and quality of life.​
Elevation Training - Wealth

There’s a link between how much cashflow you can create, and what you are able to purchase or own. 

If you didn’t win or inherit the money, then you must work for it.

Right now we are still in the stage of existence where money is needed in order to acquire what we need to live, from food and clean water, to clothes and housing, and everything in between.

The current economic structures are set up in such a way that in order to live fully and elevated, one must acquire financial wealth, and not just enough money.

If you want fulfillment in your work or career you must create an abundance of money to be able to thrive.

On the other side…

Lack of Money can be a challenge in any relationship. If you ever want to buy something with a significant other, then make sure that you have your financial ducks in a row.

One of the hardest parts of finances can be the mental game.

Rus has taught thousands of people how to transform their Poverty Mindset into Wealth and Solution oriented thinking using the Elevation Training.

The engineered systems will help you determine where the gaps are in your mental money game, so that you can bridge them immediately.


Peace is the cornerstone to all Elevation.​
Elevation Training- peace

There are many ways to stretch, and we focus on elevating the Mind, Body and Soul through stretching practices which help the participants grow. 

It may seem like one of the most basic things, however it is the basics that tend to be the most challenging to practice over time.

It may seem so simple to stretch the body so you are more flexible and have less pain and injuries as you get older, yet so few make it a lifetime practice.

When you schedule time to elevate yourself, to care for yourself so that you can give fully to the tasks at hand, you are able to perform them much better, and usually with more presence and mindfulness.

Stretching: sure you can go through the process and hate it, however that tends to be very miserable.

It has been proven that when people have fun, no matter what their background is, they learn much faster and they retain information better and longer.

So if you want to accelerate any task, start to enjoy it no matter how tedious it may seem at the time.

In the Elevation Training you will learn how to incorporate continuous stretching into your day, which will help you have less physical discomfort or pain.

You’ll also learn how to find pleasure in seemingly the most menial tasks like taking out the garbage or picking up dog poop.

– If you are stuck “I don’t know” the next steps. 

– If you want to play in the realm of: “Things you don’t know, you don’t even know about.”

– If you are ready to completely transform and elevate your life!

– If you have ever failed and wanted to change your life forever, now is your time. If anything you have always wanted seems just out of reach. If you want to elevate and center their life. You can transform your life and we are here to help.

In the toughest and most challenging times people will fall back and on the level of basic training and systems.

Since Rus’ uses proven Engineered Systems for the Elevation Trainings, the participants cut down the learning curve and assimilate them into their lives with great success.

One of the first and most important lessons participants learn is that: EVERYthing is on Purpose.

With that in mind, there is never such thing as failure, there’s just feedback. Than anything you approach becomes a learning experience, something you can grow from. Isn’t that fun?

Let’s Go!

It’s like love at first sight


Life can be hard – the Basics help


For consistent and pleasant growth stretching is Paramount.
Elevation Training -Stretch

There are many ways to stretch, and we focus on elevating the Mind, Body and Soul through stretching practices which help the participants grow. 

It may seem like one of the most basic things, however it is the basics that tend to be the most challenging to practice over time.

It may seem so simple to stretch the body so you are more flexible and have less pain and injuries as you get older, yet so few make it a lifetime practice.

When you schedule time to elevate yourself, to care for yourself so that you can give fully to the tasks at hand, you are able to perform them much better, and usually with more presence and mindfulness.

Stretching: sure you can go through the process and hate it, however that tends to be very miserable.

It has been proven that when people have fun, no matter what their background is, they learn much faster and they retain information better and longer.

So if you want to accelerate any task, start to enjoy it no matter how tedious it may seem at the time.

In the Elevation Training you will learn how to incorporate continuous stretching into your day, which will help you have less physical discomfort or pain.

You’ll also learn how to find pleasure in seemingly the most menial tasks like taking out the garbage or picking up dog poop.


Practice is Key to Growth.
Elevation Training. -Train

If you want to become better at anything, or even master it, there must be training. 

Whatever you want to become good at you must practice it. It can be anything as simple as learning a basic life skill like reading, or as complex as learning how to fly an airplane.

There’s an old adage that to master anything you must put in 10,000 hours of practice in that area.

The good news is that there are systemized structures for whatever it is that you want to learn.

Even if something you want has never been achieved before, the basic processes are universal.

Learning how to properly train yourself for growth is just as important as doing the practice correctly.

Most people nowadays aren’t taught how to continuously keep learning and growing.

During the Elevation Training you’ll get reprogrammed to make continuous elevation part of your basic code.

Our participants love the simplicity of the engineered systems.

People really enjoy the process, which allows them to get so much more out of it.

It’s your turn to train with us.


Enjoy Yourself. Play. This is FUNdamental.
Elevation Training - play

When you are happy, you learn faster, retain more. Outside of Soul connection this is probably the other piece we miss the most.

Statistically, it is shown that when we reach adulthood we laugh less than a few times a day, at most, down from over 300 times a day when we are children.

It is a very sad and unfortunate current reality of “adulthood” however let’s face it it’s just poor programming.

However it is possible to reprogram anything, build new mental roads and bridges… it just takes a little bit of Consciousness and effort.

Let’s have a laugh together right now:

What is the sun’s favorite day of the week?
Sunday, of course!

Did you enjoy that joke? If not, maybe it because use you are taking yourself and your life way too seriously.

Remember, tomorrow isn’t promised to ANYone, so enjoy the precious moment you still have left here, no matter how long it may be.

  • Do you have a laughing ritual?
  • A playful daily activity?
  • Do your hobbies make you laugh and smile?

There are countless studies and stories of miraculous transformations and healings that have happened after a change of energy from sad to joyful.

When you go from depressing to enthusiastic, everything shifts because the universe becomes aligned with the source, or all creation.

Positivity is the Juice of Creation.

You can cure every known illness and free yourself from any disease when you connect yourself to joy.

When you connect yourself to joy, you will have fun, no matter what you are doing.

Elevation training helps you remember how to play like you did when you were young and weren’t concerned of what others would think, how silly you might look, or even the future.

You’ll learn how to harness that creativity and fearless abandon of children, yet balance it with adulting and responsibilities.

You’ll enjoy yourself again and get your work done

Ready to take the plunge? Now is the time

Here is little joke:

“Why did the math book look so sad? It had too many problems.”

I’m Totally In

Yes! This is what I’ve been looking for


It all starts here


The mind can be the most challenging and cunning one to control.
Elevation Training - Mind

An undisciplined mind is like bulldozer rolling down a hill without a driver or an unstoppable avalanche.

It is destructive. 

History is riddled with examples of such geniuses who turned infamous because they couldn’t control themselves.

I’m sure you can find an example of one and or two in your own life one your mind raised uncontrollably or you overreacted without conscious thought.

Elevation training gives you specific systems that will help you master your own thoughts and processes.

Like many worthwhile undertakings it’s a very challenging and rewarding journey.

There are lots of different techniques that you will learn in the training, you’ll become deeply practiced in the:

  • Ancient Ascension Meditation
  • Hypnotic Neuro Repatterning
  • Peaceful Breathing Practice(PBP)

These are just some of the tools that participants of Rus programs get to master in the trainings.

If you are intrigued, stop procrastinating, changes are you will take action on this eventually, so why wait?

Connect with us now


Most people neglect their bodies until it’s too late… Are You One of Them?
Elevation Training - Body

Without a healthy physical body, it is almost impossible to enjoy all the beautiful pleasures this life has to offer. 

Very few people consciously engineer their body. Most beings are just resigned to their physical condition, without putting in real work.By real work I mean manifesting what you want your physical body to be from the inside out, and then putting in the actions without fail or excuse.

Remember that compound interest works both ways, towards your elevation, and most crucially your demise.

Without a healthy body, which includes a balanced sexuality at all levels of biological progression (age), anyone’s life can become unhappy.

We explore what modern healthy sexuality looks like for single and attached participants and how you can center and elevate it even more.

During the Elevation Training past participants have healing past family, partner, and trauma wounds.

When necessary, during training, diving deeper such as transmuting abuseinto light.

We guide our participants through the emotional breakthroughs in a Safe Space.

Then we Anchor the Breakthroughs with engineered Neuro-Repatterning until you have a complete permanent shift.

After you know how to do this once, you can do this with ANYthing in your life that no longer supports or elevates you.

Plus, you will have the Peaceful Training Systems and the Peaceful Tribe to support you through the challenging times.


Probably one of the most neglected parts of anybody’s life.
Elevation Training - Soul

Yet for almost everyone, from every culture, no matter what our beliefs are, agrees that the soul is the most important part of one’s life. 

It’s crucial to have faith.

With faith all things are possible.

Every great religion, or cultural belief, believes that there’s something above us. That there is a higher level of energy that exists, which surrounds and connects all existence.

A universal intelligence, a connected unconsciousness, the source, God, creator, allah, there are many names which are synonyms for something we all have in common: a belief in a higher power.

This higher power, which we will refer to as the source, has the ability to create anything because we are also a piece of it.

Scientists as well as religious leaders have only recently understood and agreed that they are both searching for the same thing: the truth.

The shape of the atom is the shape of the universe: the macro is also the micro and vice versa. We are only recently beginning to understand that all energy is connected, and that our consciousness right now creates our future reality.

Being still, finding center, grounding… All of that is just human need to connect with the source.

We are all here to become our most elevated selves and the only way we can do that is with help from the source.

To be able to draw from the infinite, to truly know that the supply is limitless, and to create something from seemingly nothing, comes from alignment in your Mind, Body, and Soul.

By feeding your soul you are able to draw on the source, and when you are able to draw on the source, then your possibilities become infinite.

Can you afford not to? Investing in your health, wealth, and peace isn’t an expense – it’s the foundation for a balanced, successful life. Prioritize what truly matters.

You just know…. It is an uncontrollable feeling and unstoppable urge to move, to take action toward whatever it is you that you want.

You know it in your gut, your stomach, your body, your entire being.

One of the most important things that restraints his participants is that: everything is on purpose. With that in mind, there is never such thing as failure, there’s just feedback.

Than anything you approach becomes a learning experience, something you can grow from. Isn’t that fun?

Ready NOw!?

Take the next step now


Where it all comes together


Know Where You Are Now
Elevation Training - Assess

It is imperative to know where you are so that you can figure out how to get where you want to go and who you want to become. 

It’s important to pause and take note, every once in a while, of how you have been progressing along your goals.

It takes a lot of consciousness and courage to be able to look at your previous actions and thoughts without judgment.

However it is equally important to judge your actions or progress fairly, and disseminate between empowering and soul-sucking judgement.

Taking time to reflect on your progress is essential for staying aligned with your true intentions.

This process requires courage and consciousness, as it involves examining your past actions with honesty.

It’s crucial to distinguish between constructive feedback that empowers growth and the negative judgments that drain your energy.

By doing so, you can continue moving forward with clarity and purpose.


Be Still | Here | Now
Elevation Training - Center

Before taking any action, it is necessary to have a centered mind, body, and soul. When you are aligned, what you build will endure, otherwise, if you’re misaligned, what you build will fall into ruin, it’s just a matter of time. 

Something absolutely beautiful happens when your mind body and soul is aligned with your life‘s purpose and you take clear action towards your vision.

When the time comes, you will easily conquer what may even seem to you like Insurmountable obstacles.

Misalignment leads to instability and eventual collapse, as the foundation lacks the integrity to support lasting growth.

When everything is in sync, you tap into a profound energy that propels you toward your vision with unwavering focus.

In this state, challenges become opportunities and obstacles that once seemed insurmountable are effortlessly overcome, as your actions are guided by the deeper wisdom of a unified self.


Your Final Metamorphosis
Elevation Training - Elevate

This is where you do the work, you take action, you train yourself in the habit of elevation.

This can be applied to anything. 

This is the space where training becomes ascension. Here you master your own practices.

During Elevation, you are only concerned about your own progress, you are not “better” or master over anyone else, you are just yourself and are elevated.

You’ve put in the necessary amount of time. What seemed hard before now comes easily, and you’ll enjoy the process of growth more and more.

True elevation is about focusing solely on your own progress, never comparing yourself to others, instead, becoming more fully yourself.

As you continue to elevate, the challenges that once seemed daunting begin to feel natural, and the joy of growth becomes increasingly fulfilling.

With consistent effort, what once required great effort now flows with ease, reflecting the deep inner transformation you’ve achieved.

4 triads - 12 sections - 1 Elevation training

Take the Leap

Elevation Training - Health


Elevation Training - Wealth


Elevation Training- peace


Elevation Training -Stretch


Elevation Training. -Train


Elevation Training - play


Elevation Training - Mind


Elevation Training - Body


Elevation Training - Soul


Elevation Training - Assess


Elevation Training - Body


Elevation Training - Elevate



You are ready, take the next step now

  • 4 Triads – 12 Sections 
  • Unlock your full potential by aligning Mind, Body, and Soul.
  • Experience 3x faster growth with consistent practice and proven techniques.
  • Achieve deep inner peace through daily mindfulness and centering exercises.
  • Master your journey – become your best self, 30 days at a time!
  • Overcome obstacles effortlessly with a reprogrammed, resilient mindset.
  • Enjoy the process – transform struggles into 100% joy in growth.
  • Develop a resilient mindset to confidently face life’s challenges.
  • Tailored to your personality – feelers and thinkers both see results.
  • Build lifelong habits of elevation in just 15 minutes daily.
  • Tap into subconscious power – align actions with your deepest desires.
  • Create lasting change with 12 powerful, easy-to-apply principles.


You are ready, take the next step now

"The Quality of Your Life is the Direct Result of the Questions You Ask”

It’s Time…
Take the Next Step!